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Quest for education is the quest for enlightment. Education does not mean the knowledge acquired from the text and schooling does not mean the knowledge of ABC or the completion of course. The meaning of education and schooling is an attempt for conversion of a raw and developing mind into a grown up and useful creature for the universe. Thinkers and social reformers gave their precious lives for the pious task of educating the society all the time and this process will continue till the doom's day.

Keeping this objective in mind, SJS is striving hard from the very beginning to develope a sense of discipline as well as respect amongst its students through knowledge so that they may bloom into the true citizens of this great motherland. My life will be a success, if by the blessings of God i could contribute something in this regard with the co-operation of all concerned.

SJS Group is serving to the society through this noble job of imparting education and transforming lives with a hope that our future would be far better than our present, every change has some kind of affiance attached to it, with time being SJS Faculty has observed and practiced this aesthetic aspect in their personal life as well. GANDHI JI once said-'Be the change you wish to see in this world. I am looking forward towards changing the society and nurturing talents through your continuous support and my diligence.

Warm Regards,

Mr. Ramesh Bahadur Singh

Managing Director

S.J.S. Group of Schools